Thursday, July 21, 2011

Every Pulse Beat.

Great piece on NPR about a new book out containing hundreds of letters written between Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz. (link: here) (buy the book: here) They wrote 25,000 letters to each other between 1915 and 1946..." sometimes two and three a day, some of them 40 pages long" (WOW!)

I really love reading letters. I have this great book with the letters of Ansel Adams (link: here) And it's amazing to read the amount of thought and effort that went into expressing oneself to another person back then. That effort is completely gone in this modern day of emails and tweets, and facebook and tumblr. I mean, I even find it hard  to sit and read people's blogs and sometimes emails if they are more the 3 sentences long. We are just so instant now-a-days, everything has to be quick and to the point, and if you can't understand it in 10 seconds, you move on to the next thing.

The Ansel Adams book inspired me to re-do this blog, but unfortunately I haven't done so well in expressing myself in words. It's a struggle for someone like me. And I wish I could write with the eloquence of Ansel, Georgia, or Alfred. I guess I just need some more practice.

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