Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Somewhere to disappear.


meg said...

i can't wait to see this, he's great! someone in my boyfriend's class had him as a mentor this semester. i can't even imagine..

Evan Foster said...

Looks really interesting, I can't imagine lugging an 8x10 camera to all of those places.

Unknown said...

i'm curious to see it myself. i like most of his work. but there is something about alec soth that rubs me the wrong way sometimes... maybe he makes his work more about him, then the people he photographs, i dunno. the shot towards the end of the trailer where its just him looking down the road trying to frame up a shot...is sorta what i am talking about...is this about the story he is trying to tell about these people that want to disappear or is this film more of a promotional item for himself as an artist.

guess we'll have to wait and see.